5 Social Media Topics for December 2022

Having trouble deciding what to post about this month? Here are 5 seasonal topics to help you out!

It's always tricky coming up with different things to post about on social media, so here are five national days that your business can celebrate this December. You could even use the days to highlight some of your products or services…

7th December - National Candy Floss Cay

What could be sweeter than a day celebrating candy floss? Candy floss can be traced back as far as the 1400s when spun sugar first become a love for those with a sweet tooth. Perhaps your business could highlight any sweet products you have available or just the sweetness of your amazing staff. Whichever way you use it National Candy Floss Day can be spun (sugar) to promote your business.

11th December - International Mountain Day

This international celebration of rock surfaces great and tall can be used to promote your business on social media. Your company is unique and no matter how far up the mountain of success you are you will have climbed it in your own way. Highlight this on #InternationalMountainDay and use the hashtag to promote your business.

14th December - International Monkey Day

Be a cheeky monkey and use this day to promote the services or products you offer. Nothing gets clicks more than a funny monkey image so use that to your advantage. You could add a post about your staff party when all the staff will be monkeying around or maybe highlighting your best products or services will make the viewers go bananas! 

22nd December - National Cookie Exchange Day

Being kind to others is important across life but must be cherished in the company environment. Perhaps you’ll provide all staff with cookies and encourage them to exchange to get their favourite to get people talking? Or maybe you’d like to send cookies in a B2B marketing exercise to make new connections with other businesses? You get as good as you give in business and this can be highlighted on social media on National Cookie Exchange Day.

28th December - Card Playing Day

Play an ace and use Card Playing Day to promote your business. You could inform people that this has been a ‘flush’ year for your business, maybe you are going to ‘double’ down in 2023 or perhaps your Christmas do was a ‘full house’. Play your cards right and you could find a great opportunity to promote your services or products this Card Playing Day.

Use the festive period to promote your business as this is the time of year when everyone is looking for perfect products at the right price before the big day. Or perhaps they’re looking for an amazing service to start their New Year off in a positive way.

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